Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Do you ever have those moments where you're fully engaged in some non-standard behavior and find yourself suddenly wondering what psychological impetus led you to perform that particular action? Do you ever wish you had your own personal psychiatrist to hang out with you and spit out instant diagnoses whenever you needed it?

I don't. I am totally sane and normal, and always have good rationale for my actions, even when other folks look at me and make that "index finger circling the ear" cuckoo-bananas motion when they see me. For example, the time in college when I walked to class barefoot in the snow, there was a fellow who asked (quite sincerely and with sympathetic concern) if I was on Acid. I simply said "No," thanked him for his concern and walked on to class. I didn't think it was worth the effort to explain to him that I was incorporating a philosophy I learned on the previous night's episode of "Kung Fu" -- where Kwai Chang Caine explained that mental powers can help overcome physical challenges. When asked how he managed to survive a cold night tied up in the desert, he replied "The cold...is within...yourself."

I decided to try my own version of Shaolin discipline and walked to class barefoot. And I'll be darned if Caine wasn't right. By flooding my mind with warm thoughts and visions of Master Po, I was able to survive the experiment and attend class successfully. And since I had validated this TV truth, I saw no reason to attempt the feat again. (But to this day, I continue to take behavioral and motivational advice from fictional characters.)

Anyway, I was reminded of that situation when I was brushing the snow off my car last night. I had worn a light fleece jacket to work, and even though (being a former Boy Scout) I had a heavy coat and gloves in the back of my car, it seemed simpler to clean my windows without going to the trouble of donning the additional garment. Sure, it was cold, and all the fluffy snow I got on my jacket would soak through and make me completely wet in short order...but I had worked late and really wanted to get home. What was a little soakage compared to the precious extra 12 seconds it would take me to put on a real coat?

A couple of other folks in the parking lot gave me the look, but kindly refrained from the cuckoo gesture. I didn't mind, though, because I knew that they were just unfortunate souls who hadn't been lucky enough to attain monk-like discipline via network television. Those are the folks who need the companion psychiatrist...am I right?

I think I'll wear a coat today, though. I don't need to, but some days you just feel like making a fashion statement rather than a philosophical one. But whether you wrap yourself in layers today or take off your shoes and savor the snowflakes between your toes, please enjoy your moments outdoors. Have a great day!


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