Monday, January 25, 2010

Swine Cold

I'm not using the word "swine" in the "swine flu" sense, in that I don't believe my recent infirmity has any relationship to pork-related virus infections. I'm using it in the sense that Inspector Clouseau uses connote disgust and animosity toward the subject. And actually, I suppose the word "cold" could have multiple meanings, being Winter and all. But I'm talking about the kind of cold that makes a person sniffle, cough, and lie in bed cursing the irresponsible jerk who didn't use hand sanitizer before exposing me to these nasty germs.

Or maybe I'm making assumptions. Who knows if it was an unsanitary contact culprit -- could've come from some nefarious plot to impurify our precious bodily fluids by contaminating the water supply. Whatever the cause, though, my productivity has been severely curtailed over the last few weeks due to my battle with this swine disease.

I'm better now. Not 100%, but better. And therefore, I intend to return to regular postings on these pages. Unfortunately, I have to go to the office early today to edit an overdue video and then prepare to document a piece of hardware for an upcoming review. Fun stuff, and possible fodder for future discussions...but for now, I'll simply leave you with a philosophical question to ponder. Perhaps we can discuss the cause & effect relationships in more detail in the future, but for now I'll simply state the question:

Why aren't there any kids with "CL" names anymore? A few decades ago, America was ripe with Clydes, Cletuses, Clarences, Clements and Claytons. Nowadays, everybody is Jason, Josh, or Jonah. I do know a fine fellow named Cliff, but otherwise, there just aren't too many of those classics about. Is this some sort of progression that will repeat itself over the eons? Will we soon exit the "J" phase and be inundated with Ms? Are we soon to be overrun with Miltons, Mervins, Melvins, and Martins? Or will it be Sheldons, Shermans, Sherlocks, and Shemps?

Let me know if you have the answers. And have a great day!


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