Fog on the Rocks
Instead of going out to Waterton for a long run on Saturday, I decided I'd better start training for the Run the Republic stair climb. It's only a few weeks away, and I haven't been training vertically at all. So, I figured it was time to head to Red Rocks. I hoped that most of the ice would be melted off the steps, and if I got there early enough, I could lumber up the stairs without getting in the way of the nut-cases who go out there all the time and sprint up the entire thing while carrying backpacks full of rocks, etc.
It was a foggy drive to Morrison, but I didn't think much about it. I parked at the foot of the stairs, snugged up my shoelaces, and began the climb. I'm not sure why, but I seem to make more noise than most exercisers, gasping for the thin air as I ascend. I've been told that I need to breathe through my nose, but I just don't think I have the nostril capacity to provide all the oxygen my poor little legs need for something like this. If I have to open my mouth and make giant sucking sounds to gather enough air for the task at hand, well, so be it. I apologize to the folks who are sitting in the seats with their iPods reliving their U2 concert experiences, but I gots to breathe, man.
Anyway, upon my arrival at the top of the amphitheater, I took a short walk around the upper deck area to catch my breath. And...WOW! The view toward the city was spectacular! There were clouds sitting low atop the city, behind the hogback, and all across the plains. I was above it all, and could look down on the sunrise lighting the tops of the fluffy white fogbanks.
Everyone there was just standing around gawking. Such things spark cameraderie; one fellow I didn't know approached me like an old friend and said "I've been coming up here for 20 years, and I've never seen it like this."

Did I get my workout done? Yes, I did. I ran five sets of steps, which should be enough to make me sore for a couple of days. But really...who cares? Some days the exercise is the central focus; but some days, you just gotta say...Wow!
That's why it pays to get up and get outside in the mornings around here. It's the easiest way to have a great day. Go for it, my friends, and enjoy!
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