Brett Favre
I'm not above stealing other people's jokes and ideas to fuel my blog. Certain items need to be repeated (like Henny Youngman jokes) in order to keep the world safe from Facism. Take my wife, please.
Or "When I was a kid we had a quicksand box. I was an only child...eventually." Good stuff.
That's why I don't feel bad about bringing up the old and oft-repeated "Why is 'Favre' pronounced 'Farve'?" debate. Is it just because Fahv-rah is too hard to say? Or is it that the dude doesn't want to sound like he's French, and therefore susceptible to becoming a mime at some point? "French" and "Viking" just don't go together. It's like mixing "Cinnabon" and "Brussels sprouts" -- it simply can't be done.
Anyway, the reason I bring up Mr. Fahv-rah is not because of his embarrasing cover of the classic song "Pants on the Ground", nor his performance in the NFC Championship game. I mention him because of a comment that was made at the swimming pool on Friday.
As I was leaving the pool after practice, my friend Tom called out my name. Tom is in his eighties, and is one of those dependable guys who shows up like clockwork to get in his water walking practice after our team vacates the pool at 7am. I've never really understood the appeal of using a flotation belt to walk in deep water -- after all, you don't really GO anywhere...but he seems to enjoy it, and it's way better than sitting at home watching infomercials. Anyway, Tom caught my attention, and told me he had watched football over the past weekend.
"I was looking at Brett Favre," he said, "and I thought -- he reminds me of someone. I thought about it a bit, and realized that he reminded me of you, Terry. Do people often tell you they think you look like Brett Favre?"
No, I can honestly say that no one has ever compared me to a professional football player before. Oh, I've been mistaken for celebrities before, but only ones like Roger Ebert and Rosie O'Donnell. Or maybe on a good hair day, Hugh Beaumont. But never Favre.
So what celebrity do you think YOU resemble? Back when I had my mustache and poofy hair, I always considered myself rather Selleck-like, but with my shorter hair and clean face, I'm thinking that Jason Statham is my more likely doppleganger.
Which one of these fellows do you think I resemble most? And if you think you're a ringer for a famous person, please let me know. Maybe I'll post the best responses here. Anyway, here are the photos for you to consider for this informal poll. Enjoy the comparisons, and have a great day!

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