Monday, February 2, 2009

Prevent Defense

I ended up watching the last five minutes of the Super Bowl, and I'm glad I did; it was pretty exciting! The only problem is that the Cards couldn't hold on. That was a bummer.

If I were a football coach, I'd want to investigate why so many points are scored in the last couple of minutes of games...and then use whatever techniques teams implement then throughout the entire game. Or is it that the "prevent" defense is just a bad idea? I don't know.

I suspect it's just that desperation is an effective offensive strategy. I'd be willing to bet that more points are scored when a team is desperate than when they're in "normal" mode.

Well...since I'm not a football coach (and not really that much of a fan), I guess I don't care enough to investigate. Anyway, it's baseball season now. I suppose I should start wondering about whether walking a dangerous hitter pays off more often than it bites you.

Anyway, congratulations to Pittsburgh and its fans. I hope you all enjoyed your evening's activities, whether or not you watched the game. It'll be interesting to see if any of the new commercials have staying power. Perhaps we'll revisit that question in a few months. In the meantime, enjoy Spring Training, and have a great day!


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