Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Day Off

Yesterday was a most excellent day! Since there was nothing important going on at the office and I had a bunch of chores I needed to do, I took the day off work. I started the morning with a good workout at the gym and then had a nice run in beautiful weather later. I got my car's windshield fixed, and also had a productive day around the house. A most excellent day.

And I have a confession to make: I did end up watching some of the TV coverage of the events in Washington DC. I missed the inauguration itself, but I caught the interview with the Head Usher at the White House. (I suppose that his position is the pinnacle of the usher's craft, the ultimate career goal to which all who ush aspire.) He seemed like a fairly sharp dude, and seemed to like his job. I kinda tuned out, though, when he was talking about his duties, so other than showing people to their seats in the White House movie theater, I'm not real sure what he does.

I was an usher at my sister's wedding, but that was probably my only experience in the field. And to tell you the truth, I don't even remember much about it. I seem to recall that I received some brief training about how to do that thing where you kinda stick your elbow out for a lady to grab onto, but beyond that, nothing stands out. I don't even remember if we were operating on the "bride-side vs. groom-side" paradigm...but if we were, it probably worked out OK; my sister and her husband were probably about equally popular. (I've been to weddings, though, where one side of the church is full of happily weeping people, while the other side contains nothing but blowing sand and tumbleweeds. Makes you feel sorry for the unsupported member of the pair -- kinda like when there are a dozen bridesmaids and just one or two groomsmen. It's funny how the concept of symmetry seems to be an unspoken requirement in nearly every type of ceremony, isn't it?)

Anyway, the point is that the President has a lot more stuff going on in his house than you or I do. I'm not sure I'd like that. Oh sure, I'd definitely dig having a cleaning staff, and a cook -- but even then I'd just want them to come in and do their thing and then leave. I understand that the White House has a bunch of people actually living there (or at least hanging out pretty much all the time), and I think that would eventually get on my nerves.

Sigh. I guess that's just one more argument against me ever becoming Commander in Chief. It's really too bad (especially considering my vast wisdom, innate leadership qualities, and fondness for blowing stuff up), but somehow the country must continue to muddle by without my smiling face behind the Presidential Podium. Have no fear, though -- I shall continue to serve this great nation via my blogging, coaching, and tireless promotion of Mexican food's health benefits.

And I shall also offer this jewel of personal wisdom -- If you can get away with occasionally taking a vacation day in the middle of the week, DO IT! There's no better way to have a great day.


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