Friday, January 16, 2009

Blog Clog

Longtime readers already know this...but when I'm busy on a proposal at the office, my brain cells become too depleted to fire adequately for quality blogging.

OK, you're right -- they're never adequate for quality blogging, but you know what I mean. Perhaps I should've said, "When I'm super tired from slaving over a hot desk all day, I ain't gonna post nuthin'." Semantics aside, the message is that while my intent is to blather away on meaningless topics each and every day, the reality is that every now and then there will be days when I just don't get it done. And it's all their fault; you know -- those people who sign my paychecks. Heartless monsters!

So, in lieu of a written diatribe or deep philosophical discussion, I shall simply leave you with a short educational documentary of timeless importance. Please feel free to forward it to anyone you know who may experience challenges is this area. and have a great day!


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