Thursday, January 8, 2009


Bob Dylan once said, "The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind." Well, I hate to tell ol' Bob this, but I listened to a heck of a lot of wind a-blowin' last night, and didn't hear any answers at all. The only thing my ears could pick up was my own complaining about the stupid weather and how it was messing up my running. And even most of that self-diatribe was lost in the noise from the gale-force gusts.

When you live in Kansas, you expect the weather to blow...after all, there was the well-known unpleasantness with that farm kid and her dog...but in Colorado, well, you expect to be able to sleep through the night.

It wouldn't be quite so bad, except for the fact that my fireplace rattles. Don't get me wrong, I'm an enthusiastic supporter of the Bernoulli Principle most of the time, but my enthusiasm wanes when it keeps me up at night by rattling the flue door. And seriously, why does my tiny little apartment even have a fireplace, anyway? Oh I suppose it might provide a romantic backdrop for couples who play backgammon on a bearskin rug while drinking wine in front of the fake-log flames...but I don't even remember the last time I did something like that.

So for me, the fireplace is constantly ignored until it does start to rattle. And until that happens, I can usually ignore whatever Mother Nature wants to do around the rest of the building, too -- but if the wind is strong enough, I might begin to hear sounds of dry leaves being batted about along the sidewalk, or maybe even the dumpster lids being levitated and dropped. All that commotion can make it tough to obtain adequate rest.

Anyway, the point is that I'd recommend a new tag line for Mr. Dylan's song:

The answer, you creep, is to let me have my sleep.
The answer is let me have my sleep.

That's all for now. In later posts, I'll be suggesting revised lyrics to "Takin' Care of Business" and "MacArthur Park" (if you're going to leave food out in the rain, after all, wouldn't it make more sense to do it with say, apples...or maybe a cabbage?).

In the meantime, wear your earplugs to bed, and have a great day!


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