Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Random Bits

Here are some of the incoherent thoughts rattling around in my skull today:
  • My glasses are under warranty, so the eye doctor has already ordered new lenses to replace the ones scratched during Saturday's run. Cool.

  • I'm pretty much ready for Christmas. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to roast chestnuts in my apartment's gas fireplace, though -- I'll have to check into the safety instructions.

  • I'm postponing the idea of going to Salt Lake for genealogy research; the websites I've read insist that you really need to know what you're looking for...and I just don't have my act together that well yet. (Any bets on whether I ever will?)

  • So, I guess that means that Tanner and I will go to Roswell to visit the UFO museum instead. Perhaps I'll finally be able to explain the mysterious patterns that sometimes appear in my oatmeal.

  • I wonder if the beings inside the UFOs like to do drive-bys of Earth at Christmas, just to look at all the pretty lights?

  • Do birds get confused flying around at this time of year? Do they say things like "Well, that looks like the house I was going to poop on, but it's all, like, colorful and lit up now...did somebody put LSD on that worm I ate this morning?"

  • I really, really enjoy this time of year. I hope you do, too. Have a great day!


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