Friday, December 12, 2008

Office Luncheon

Another year of devoted service to the company, and another complimentary coffee mug to show for it.

We had our annual Department Holiday Luncheon yesterday, and it was swell! I was hoping it would be a Mexican buffet as it had been in years past, but I guess there are folks who complained that steaming piles of goopy beans, rice and cheese don't adequately represent the spirit of Santa Claus or something. Anyway, we had roast beast and salmon this year. And it was very tasty.

The boss made a short speech and gave away some door prizes. (Every single person at my table received one -- except me, dadgummit!) Unlimited desserts were available (but the chocolate cake was a tad dry). And there were plenty of opportunities to socialize with departmental folks you don't normally spend time with (but nobody did). Most conversations I overheard seemed to be about work, holiday plans, and whether or not the auto industry should be bailed out. (Concensus seemed to indicate that the government shouldn't interfere in Capitalism: everybody really likes their Japanese cars.)

Anyway, the highlight of the luncheon was being away from the office for an hour. And getting a box of See's Candy as a parting gift. (Personally, I prefer Heggy's Candy, but my opinion was not solicited on the matter.) As previously mentioned, we also received a nice coffee mug with a nice illustration on one side and a garishishly large department logo on the other. It's very nice, but since I don't drink hot liquids I'm afraid that it will join its previous commemerative-item ceramic brethren in being re-gifted, donated to some coffee-guzzling homeless guy, or simply tossed in the trash. (I wonder what percentage of landfill material is made up of giveaway logo merchandise?)

On the other hand, if you are an avid coffee mug collector, please contact me before my next housecleaning binge, and I'll be happy to pass this one along to you. If you're like me, though, and would prefer a second box of chocolates to another useless promotional cup, then please join me in lobbying for candy to become the standard giveaway item. (But not those really hard & chewy ones that have bits of figs in them or whatever -- those are nasty.)


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