Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday, and it was one of the best ever! Of course, when you consider the dizzyingly high number of birthdays I've experienced, it would not be surprising to find that I've forgotten a few dozen of them over the years. Oh well. Yet despite the Methuselah-esque numbers on my driver's license, I fully expect to experience (and possibly forget) another four-score and seven (give or take) before I've had enough.

I'm not going to share the details of how I celebrated the event, other than to say that there was cake involved. And nachos. And cherished conversations with the people I love most dearly in the world. And a trip to the auto repair shop.

The good news is that the automotive checkup didn't find anything wrong with my car at this point. Cool.

The other good news is that I still look decades younger than one would expect given my near-constant immersion in caustic pool chemicals. Who knows why? Perhaps in addition to its well-known properties as a bleach/poison, chlorine also possesses some sort of preservational qualities. Maybe in some ways it's like Oil of Olay...or mummification.

In any case, I feel great, and am looking forward to another excellent year of trotting about this planet, hanging out with my friends, and eating the endless variety of dishes that can be constructed from rice, beans, cheese, and salsa. Life is good, and so is the privilege of being able to write about it. Thank you for dropping by to listen!


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