Friday, November 21, 2008

On the Road

Just a few final things to do before I can hit the road. Empty the trash, choose reading material to take, make a last-minute run to the grocery store to pick up the keyboard batteries I forgot to get last night, pack clean underwear (in case of an accident), run the dishwasher, squeeze a little air out of the shampoo bottle so it doesn't explode when we get to lower altitude, gather up some BTO CDs and some Diet Coke (my dad's house usually only has -- ugh! -- Pepsi), lower the thermostat, and set the burglar alarms and booby traps.

Oh, and load all the stuff I'm taking into the car -- suitcase, gym bag, guitar, laptop computer, camera, etc. As usual, I will take too many clothes, too many books to read/tasks to accomplish, and not enough Prozac. Oh well, at least I'll have Tanner to talk to as we drive through the barren wastes of western Kansas.

Wish us luck, and we'll see you in a few days!


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