Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A New Approach

Some of you have commented that my recent absence from the Blogosphere must be due to being hung over from celebrating the results of the recent election. I assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. While I do indeed appreciate the end to the @#$! campaign ads, and I'm aware of the fact that some people's enthusiasm for the new administration knows no bounds, let me assure you that my enthusiasm knows many bounds. And knows them well.

Uh, based on those last few sentences, it is apparent that my writing talents have bounds, too; grammar, style and talent being but a few of the areas of limitation. And as Clint Eastwood once said "A man's got to know his limitations". Of course, he was talking about how far a corrupt police commissioner could go in the pursuit of vigilante justice, and I'm talking about incompetent use of tired clichés, ignorance of the rules of composition, etc., but if you want to get that picky about it, well, go ahead and make my day, Punk.)

The point is that I seem to be incapable of blogging effectively while I'm working on a proposal. (Yes, I know that it can be argued that I couldn't blog effectively even if I had no other duties and distractions beyond feeding myself and using the restroom, but just bear with me here and cut me some slack, OK?) When I'm working weekends and extra hours, what few brain cells I have become entirely depleted, and I just can't bring myself to generate writing that contains my usual deep insight, pithy worldview commentary, and hilarious japery. So I simply stop writing.

But no more, loyal readers. You deserve a daily blog entry, even if it falls short of the abominably lax standards I impose upon myself. Ergo, I resolve to try to post something almost every day, even if it's just a sentence that says "I have nothing to say today". I have no idea if that'll constitute an improvement over what I've been doing, but I'm going to give it a try. As always, I thank you for your patience, tolerance, and continued patronage.

Have a great day!


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