Friday, November 7, 2008

Democracy in Action

Capitalism had a good run, and served some sort of purpose, I guess -- but finally its mad reign of terror is over! Americans wanted CHANGE, and now they're going to get it.

It will be interesting to see if the methods proposed by the winners will really achieve the results they've promised. There's plenty of history that would suggest otherwise, but I think we all need to keep an open mind here. Perhaps it really is true that non-Americans hate us because of our success and dominance, and if we take a back seat in global affairs, the adversaries who have devoted themselves to our destruction will start to like us. (Personally, I'm sure how "being liked" necessarily translates into a better life for our citizens, but I'm willing to be taught.)

I'm also willing to concede that "greed" (ie, wanting a better life for yourself and your family) is inherently evil, and that financial security is prima facie evidence of greed in action. I am SO glad that I'm not rich, because that means I still have a shot at getting into Heaven.

Wait, aren't the streets of Heaven reputed to be paved in gold? And gold is surely a sign of wealth...and therefore EVIL? I'm so confused.

Oh well, once we get some new Supreme Court justices who can fix all the flaws in the Constitution, things will become much clearer. Things will CHANGE!



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