Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Where does the time go? Or perhaps a better question is..."Why do 1-hour tasks seem to take the entire day to accomplish?"

Is it just me? Or do domestic chores just seem to have 'exponential growth' as one of their primary characteristics?

Things kinda piled up while I was working so much on the last proposal. Plus, Tanner had been staying with me for a while -- there were many household chores on my to-do list, as well as teenager recovery duties (aka "toxic spill cleanup"). So once the proposal ended, I took some time off from work to try to catch up on everything I needed to do at home.

My guess was that one solid afternoon would take care of it all.

Yeah, right.

The reality of it was that each chore I attempted ended up revealing at least one more that would need to be done. I'll spare you the grisly details, but suffice it to say that I could take the rest of the month off and still not finish everything that I've added to my to-do list.

Hmmm. Take the rest of the month off? Not a bad idea. I'll have to see what I can do.


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