Foothills Swim Meet

I'm not sure anybody has better swim meets than we do at the Ridge.
Well, not "better" in the "caliber of competition" sense...but better in the sense of how much fun is had, how much laughter is heard, and how much food is consumed. We certainly excel in those categories.
It was a parents & kids meet, with all events designated as "choice" stroke. We had 9-year-olds swimming next to folks in their 50s, butterflyers competing with backstrokers, and even a few event where people wore fins or pull buoys. (Take my word for it -- climbing onto the starting blocks while wearing flippers is a bit of a challenge. And I'm not sure how she did it, but Katie even dove in without losing her already-in-place pull buoy.) Yes, the entertainment value of this meet was very high, indeed.

Stephanie did an excellent job putting the meet together, acting as both starter & meet director. She also brought the food and beverages, which we tore into as soon as the meet concluded. I have no scientific evidence to support this, but I think most people would agree with me -- swimmers are among the friendliest, smartest, and funnest people around.
Everyone agreed that we needed to do this again soon. Stay tuned, and I'll try to let you know when the next one will be.
After the meet, Tanner and I went back to Guitar Center to pick up the keyboard he had selected. I'll post some music samples using it as soon as he figures out how all the fancy features work. Let me know if you have any song requests, OK? And have a great day!
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