Sunday, November 30, 2008

Space/Time Peculiarities

I suspect that I have a black hole somewhere in my apartment.

Why else would time become so accelerated during weekends, and yet run at a molasses-slow pace when I'm at the office? I was thinking that a 4-day weekend would be very leisurely and relaxing, and yet here it is, almost over...and I'm not anywhere near as far along my to-do list as I had hoped.

Thanks a LOT, Mr. Einstein.

The good news is that I'm having a great time and enjoying the little accomplishments that ARE occuring. I've made progress on editing my dad's autobiography, cleaned up some junk around home, done dishes, laundry, and all the other mundane chores that really should be handled by robots and/or eunuchs. I've also gathered the stuff we need to shoot the Tazmanian Hulu training video, which is scheduled to begin production today.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking: "But Terry, if you show everyone else the secrets to your absolute mastery of the Taz, then you may no longer be able to dominate, crush, and humiliate your competition in such a devastatingly thorough manner." Alas, this is true, but when you love the sport with as much passion as I do, just can't help but want to share your knowledge with those less fortunate souls who have not yet experienced its beauty for themselves.

Plus, as far as I can tell, I'll be the first person ever to post a Tazmanian Hula video on the web. It'll probably be like the Star Wars kid, those guys on the treadmills, or the Mentos/Diet Coke dorks -- I could end up with my own TV show or something.

Well, assuming that thousands of people will be searching the Internet for information on the Taz, which, come to think of it, isn't at all likely. Most people have never heard of it, and if they have...don't care. Can't blame 'em really. It is a silly stroke.

But we were talking about the black hole in my apartment, so quit trying to change the subject, OK? The point is that I could use another three or four days of weekend time before I go back to work. Is that too much to ask?

Maybe there's some way to reverse the polarity of the black hole or something. Maybe I should watch a few Star Trek episodes and see if I can pick up some good science hints. If I find the answer, I'll let you know.

Have a great day!


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