Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Short Work Week

Yeah, I know I get Thursday and Friday off this week, and that should make me deliriously happy. But the truth is that I want the rest of the days off, too.

Is that what they mean when they talk about "Corporate Greed"? People who don't want to go to the office very much, but instead are greedy for days off? I suspect not.

The good news is that there's not much going on at the office, so I'll probably be free to take some vacation. The bad news is that my car began to smell funny during the Kansas trip, so I'll have to take it into the shop. Beyond that, I'll try to get some quality time in the swimming pool, and maybe even get outside to run a bit before the snowstorms move in. It bums me out that the pool and gym are closed on Thursday, but I guess that just means I'll have to work out harder on Friday. I'll let you know how it goes.

For now, though, please accept my best wishes for you and your family to have the most excellent Thanksgiving ever. Enjoy your turkey, etc., and if you're out shopping on Friday...well, you won't see me. Have a great week!


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