Monday, December 8, 2008

Nothing to show for it

I had a productive and enjoyable weekend, but I'm afraid that other than having the laundry baskets empty, I have no tangible results to show for all my hard work.

Oh sure, I made progress on the videos I'm editing, and on my dad's autobiography...but "progress" doesn't have any concreteness to it, does it? When my brother is working on the house he's remodeling, he can see whether it's been painted or not, or whether the previous owner's "Hasselhoff Shrine Nook" has been reduced to splinters. When you go shopping for a new Sousaphone, you'll likely come home with the ability to play oom-pah-pah drinking songs. But when you edit stuff without completing it, all you have to show for it is a different number in the "file size" column. Boring.

Of course, there will come a time when I'll have a complete book to share with the world, and a complete video to post on YouTube. Then I'll feel productive. But this weekend produced no such results, so I'm feeling about as useless as a leaky zeppelin or a Congressman. Sigh.

Oh, and I also worked hard at swim practice -- so perhaps my muscles grew by some microscopic increment or my lung capacity increased by a few molecules. But again, there's nothing I can point to and say "See?". Oh well. The important thing is to maintain a positive attitude and to keep plugging away, making progress in some small way each and every day. And I am doing that.


No, seriously.

Oh all right, Mr. Skeptical-pants. I'll just have to finish one of the videos and post it. You'll see. Any day now...


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