A Busy Day
When I woke up and looked out the window yesterday, the parking lot was dry and there was a general feeling of mild weather. Therefore, I was surprised when I walked out the door an hour later and found over an inch of snow on the ground and a full-blown blizzard in progress.
Well, as they always say...if you don't like the weather in Colorado, then move to the Bahamas.
(Actually, they say "wait a minute", but I suspect that this witty comment isn't unique to Colorado. I'm pretty sure they say it in Kansas, North Dakota, and probably Iowa, too. I doubt they say it in San Diego, or in Seattle, or in Antartica, but it's still got to be a pretty common phrase. Personally, though, I'm committed to the Bahamas version. It's been a pretty mild winter, all things considered, but I'm still finding myself thinking about living on a Jimmy Buffet album cover.)

Someday, I might even attempt to describe to you what exactly it is I do during my workday. Or not; it's probably really boring to an outside observer. Even though there are times when I feel that the action has attained James-Bondian proportions, the fact remains that what you'd see is just an exasperated fellow scratching his head, typing at his keyboard, or using his cheap ballpoint pen to make red marks on various sheets of paper. Yawn! I may be a cog in the machine upon which our country's freedom is built...but I'm an aesthetically uninteresting cog, to be sure.
Oh well, the weather did clear up, and it became a fairly nice day. Most of the frozen roadstuff that made the morning commute crawl was converted into the stuff that made the evening commute into a car-wash-owner's dream.
The point is that these postings may be even more lame and feeble than usual for a while. But there's no reason you can't find entertainment value here, even then. Why not make it into a creativity game? "Terry's blog was as lame as..." and then fill in the blank. Might be fun!
But please don't waste any time worrying about how much I might be suffering under the brutal whips of my mericiless corporate overlords, or about whether my brain might completely implode under the pressure of being used beyond its meager capacity. I'll be fine. Instead, you should just go out and enjoy the lovely weather, whether it changes every minute or not. Have a great day!
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