Thursday, January 29, 2009


Even though this cold hasn't slowed down any of my activities, it has kinda messed up my sleep a bit. A couple of my nights have been spent sniffling and coughing. I didn't feel bad at all and was sleepy enough -- but when these random lung explosions interrupt your dreams, it tends to have an impact on overall rest accomplishment.

I ended up taking Sudafed last night. Well, not a Sudafed, exactly. It was the King Soopers generic equivalent...and not the one you can make Meth out of, but the kind you can get over the counter. Whatever it was, it was very effective. I slept through the entire night without a problem.

I probably won't do that again, though. Don't want it to become a habit. Hopefully, the virus will have taken its course and will leave me alone to rest comfortably without chemicals tonight. We'll see.


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