Saturday, January 31, 2009

Time to do Taxes!

I tend to put it off every year, but I'm not sure why. In the past, when my income was solely derived from my entrepreneurial activities, it was a major pain. I'd have to think about whether I could deduct new underwear, etc, since they'd be essential to my comfort in teaching my classes. I'd have to keep all my receipts for glass cleaner, since staring out the window is such a large part of the writer's craft. I'd have to keep track of how many times I went to the bathroom while working on a Performance Press project, because the water that was flushed was deductible as a business operating expense.

It would take months to compile and interpret all the data, and then another month or two to figure out which subtle IRS rules applied to which segments of the business. Trust me, you will get a migraine if you ever try to understand the tax code.

Seriously, let's do away with the IRS and just go for a flat tax. Let's get rid of the complexity of interpretation, and break it down to straight math, OK?

Even though I'm agin' the Revenooers, I have to confess that my taxes are much easier now that I'm basically a W2 employee for the majority of my income. I just use an online tax software program and plug in the numbers. The whole thing can be done in an hour or so. And because I withheld so much in anticipation of business income that didn't materialize, I should get a pretty large chunk of my money back in the form of a refund. So why would I wait?

Well, other than a general dislike for the tax code and the people who want to further complicate and expand it, I guess I really don't have a legitimate excuse to procrastinate. Unless there's something interesting on TV. Or if the weather is nice enough that I should really be outside.

Oh don't worry, I'll get to them before April. I'll let you know. In the meantime, have a great day!


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