The John Gill Plan

More about that in a minute. First, though, let's finish our discussion of Space Hippies. The answer to our trivia question is Skip Homeier, shown here in his role as Melakon, Ekosian Deputy Fuhrer.

There are multiple lessons we can take from from the Ekos/Zeon conflict. First, a successful underground resistance movement works best if the leader is a hot chick. (Are you paying attention, George Lucas?) Second, power corrupts, etc. etc. blah blah blah. And third, or course, is that while a Nazi government may be temporarily effective in creating intense societal focus, it ultimately leads to people getting upset and taking it all apart.
It wasn't until I started writing this that I realized that our current government officials might simply be trying the John Gill approach themselves. Instead of using Zeon pigs as targets, they have chosen Big Business as the boogeyman du jour. Hmmm. I don't know who will become our version of Captain Kirk (or General Eisenhower, whatever), but I'm pretty sure somebody will step up and put Melakon in his place.
Anyway, it's probably just a coincidence that I was thinking about Germans at the same time I was assaulted by germs. The common cold shares much in common with Nazis, in that it is an oppressive evil that creeps in and messes everything up...but will eventually be banished by the forces of good. I expect to be back in peak health in another day or two.
For the moment, though, I am congested, achy, and brain dead. My lack of coherent bloggery can be blamed entirely on the disease, but I hope to be back to discussing intelligent topics later in the week. In the meantime, please enjoy this clip from where Don Knotts defeats rival Homeier in both romance and the newspaper game. (Skippy appears around 3:40, as Luther tries to report that he witnessed a murder.) Have a great day!
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