Ho Ho Ho!

Why hasn't there ever been a Star Trek Christmas Special?
I can think of several titles that might have possibilities:
- The Little Drummer Borg
- E Plebnista, Charlie Brown
- Miracle on Talos IV
- Dilithium Christmas
- Chestnuts Roasted by an Open Phaser
- Walkin' in a Winter WonderLandru
- The Littlest Redshirt
- It's a Wonderful Life on Ceti Alpha Five
- The Wrath of Claus
- Gold, Frankincense, and Tribbles
- I'll Be Home For Pon Farr

Anyway, the point is that tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and I am totally in holiday mode at this point. Full of joy and Cratchit-turkey generosity, I am completely ready to get out of "work" mode and into "mashed taters n' pumpkin pie" mode.
So let me wish you a heartfelt "Merry Christmas" along with my sincere hopes for you to spend the next few days enjoying happy times with your loved ones. I hope everyone has a chance to relax, smile, and sing every single one of your favorite holiday tunes.
I was hoping to give you an update on my home-organization project, but I haven't yet made a whole lot of progress. I did manage to replace the hideous chandelier in my dining nook with a nice LED fixture...but the new light's constant flickering tells me I didn't quite nail the wiring. And of course, the attempt to purge some of the junk from backroom storage simply resulted in additional tasks being added to the to-do list. It appears that eBay and/or Craigslist will play an important role in my life over the next few weeks. My hope is that somebody somewhere can use some of the things that are currently just taking up space in my apartment (VHS camcorders, ancient vinyl record albums, custom carrying cases for electronic gear I no longer own, etc.)
Once those items have been dispositioned, I should have enough room to set up my new exercise area. Setting it up does not remotely guarantee that I'll use it...but at least I'll have a visual reminder that the tools for achieving fitness are easily available.
Anyway, I doubt that I'll be posting any new material here for a few days -- and I would hope that you have better things to do right now than read such online blather. But I hope you'll return after Christmas and join me in having fun with the new challenges that await in 2014. (One of them will be resuming my freelance writing career with an article to be published in "Swimming" magazine. More details later.) I also need to swim the 100 x 100s, edit a couple of veteran's history videos, continue my family history capture and archival project, and prepare for the Triathlon Nationals. January is full of proposal due dates at work, and I'm also expecting a somewhat improved social life as the new year commences. Should be fun, and I look forward to sharing those events with you...not to mention additional annoyingly geeky trivia contests. (Hint: The next one will be a challenge to determine if gibberish-sounding words like "drosophila melanogaster" represent a person, thing, or government program.)

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