100 x 100s

We did our 100 x 100s workout yesterday. As usual, I struggled and whined through the first 40, and then got warmed up enough to enjoy the rest of them. I was pretty happy with the overall set, and would've told you that I worked reasonably hard. But I wasn't really exhausted afterwards, and I'm not the least bit sore today, so I must've been lazier than I thought.
Does that ever happen to you? Do you do a workout thinking "I'm cranking pretty hard," and then later realize that you had way too much left at the end? Do you wake up the next morning expecting to be sore, only to discover that you feel perfectly fine?
I doubt it. I'm beginning to think that nobody in the world is as big a slacker as I am. If I'm going to hit my triathlon goals this year, I'm going to have to develop some intensity and willpower. I have to find the eye of the tiger...but my default seems to be Mr. Magoo.
Bonus trivia question: What is Mr. Magoo's first name?
A. Percy
B. Quincy
C. Herbert
D. Harvey
E. Marion
F. Thurston
Anyway, we had a fairly good-sized group finish all 100, and a couple of people did even more than that. (Karen did 110 and John did 120.) Those who didn't have football parties or kids' events to go to also met for a nice lunch afterwards.
As for the photo at the top of this post, it doesn't really have anything to do with anything...but it popped up on a Google search I did about swimming. I had to smile when I learned that Guinness actually tracks the record for running hurdles in swimming fins. That is impressive, and could certainly qualify as one of the things on the list of Things I've Never Done. But since I would need a vaulting pole and a trampoline just to clear ONE hurdle, I can't even imagine trying to leap over the darn things while running and wearing fins.
Hmmm. I guess I could swim 100 yards wearing running shoes. That's almost the same concept...isn't it?
Maybe I'll save that idea for later in the year. I think I already know what I'm doing for January's "first." I hope to get it done later this week. Hint: My criteria consists totally of novelty -- it doesn't have to be anything challenging. Heck, even "watching a Beverly Hillbillies marathon" would qualify...if I hadn't already done that about a dozen times. So would "doing my Barney Fife impersonation in a staff meeting". (The problem with that is that nobody can distinguish it from my Jimmy Stewart impersonation, which actually sounds a lot like my John Wayne. Sigh.)
Anyway, congratulations to everyone who swam the 100 x 100s. I hope you're sore enough to confirm that you worked it. Have a great day!
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