
Some hot tubs are better than others.
This morning, I worked out at the 24-Hour Fitness at C-470 and Broadway. Until recently, my routine was to lift a little, do some cardio (treadmill or elliptical), and then hit the pool for 500 or so before jumping in the Jacuzzi. But since I've decided to torture myself with Erin's sadistic plyometrics workouts, there's a lot more jumping, stretching, and core work involved. It's exhausting.
The good news is that the hot tub at the Broadway gym has some serious jets. As I may have mentioned at some point, I've been dealing with a chronic knot in my left forearm for some time now. It's probably from typing so much on a non-ergonomic keyboard, but it could be due to sunspot activity or a voodoo curse for all I know. Massage, stretching, and ice haven't helped, (though I'll admit that the ice was not applied topically as recommended, but was instead ingested in "cookie-dough Blizzard" form.) I should probably avoid keyboards for a week or two, but that's pretty difficult when your job relies so heavily on computer work.
When this next round of proposals is over, I should probably take a road trip in my new car (which is likely to come into my possession sometime later this week.) Leave the laptop behind and just hit the open road with a 6-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper and a big pile of Ted Nugent/Alice Cooper CDs. Maybe head south...after all, I ain't never been to Nacadoches.
(OK, extra credit opportunity: Where did that last sentence come from?)
Anyway, the hot tub jets at the Kipling 24 are OK, I suppose, but I don't believe they've provided any real therapeutic benefit to my crunchy forearm. But I think the CNR-power jets at Broadway might have the potential to loosen me up and make the pain go away. I intend to go back there over the weekend and sit in the tub as long as it takes. I'll let you know how it goes.
As for the Magoo question, I'll give you partial credit if you answered Thurston...because of course both Quincy Magoo and Thurston Howell III were played by actor Jim Backus. "Percy", on the other hand, was the name of both the man who discovered the canals of Mars (Lowell), and the TV pioneer who first read diet poems on the air (Dovetonsils).

And finally, I suspect that everyone knows that Herbert is the name that represents the ultimate evil to cauliflower-eared space hippies.
And here's an interesting bit of trivia: As far as I know, Charles Napier is the only fellow to be defeated by Captain Kirk, the Blues Brothers, and Rambo. For extra bonus points, can you tell me which of the space hippies was defeated twice by Captain Kirk, and also by Barney Fife?
I'll share that answer tomorrow. Have a great day!
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