Fun Weekend!
During those times, it's easy to forget that there are such things as laughter and sunshine and the sublime smell of barbecue.
Having a party with great friends on a lovely Saturday afternoon is an effective remedy for such forgetfulness. Especially if the sky is blue, the grass is green, and you can see forever. Ahhhh!
It was indeed a perfect day for a swim team party, and our generous hosts provided an epic banquet in an ideal setting. We had a great turnout of fun folks, including moms and daughters:
Wise old philosophers:
Charming couples:
Escapees from the Looney Bin:
Good friends:
And of course, all sorts of amazing athletes:
Leif had cooked up an astounding (and delicious!) array of BBQ meats, and everyone else brought goodies galore. (Erin's homemade s'more marshmallows disappeared especially fast...which was probably the only thing that kept me from eating them all myself.) I didn't realize until later that I completely forgot to take any photos of the feast itself. Once I saw the food, all I could think about was filling myself up. Sigh.
If you know anything at all about our swim team, you would expect this party to be completely awesome...and indeed it was. If I had more time, I'd share more details about it. But I think for now I'll just urge you to attend the next one yourself. If you're not yet a member of our swim team, then you need to join immediately. Isn't that obvious?
Anyway, despite the laughs, compelling stories, and irresistible food, the party broke up fairly early. Almost everyone had big plans for Sunday morning, whether it was competing in a triathlon, riding 100 miles on a bike, or running up a canyon somewhere. Me? I had volunteered to help with swimmer wrangling at the Foothills Feat triathlon at the Ridge in the morning. We were scheduled to meet at 4:45am, which is not unusually early for me at all...but is still an obligation that recommends an early bedtime.
I'll tell you all about the triathlon later. In the meantime, thanks to all my wonderful friends for helping me take a much-needed mental break and for making my Saturday so much fun. Thanks for inspiring me, making me laugh, and making my association with this swim team such a continuous delight. Have a great day!
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