As anyone who knows me can tell you, I don't have many original things to say. Most of my conversation is simply a recitation of my favorite movie lines. "Do you feel lucky, punk?" "That's a big twinkie." "Mein Fuhrer, I can walk!" etc.
So the thought that led to yesterday's puzzle was about movie quotes, specifically non-grammatical ones. The idea came from the fact that I liked one of reconstituted Spock's lines in Star Trek IV.
So yeah, that's the common theme in the graphic. Gigantic sea mammals. More about that in a minute.
The problem is that I haven't had time to collect other such assaults against our language. The only other one I thought of was the one originally offered in response to the "lucky" question I quoted above. Everyone remembers the wounded bank robber (Albert Popwell) who looked up at Dirty Harry and said, "Mister? I gots ta know."
Perhaps I'll compile such a list some other time. Today, time is short, so I'll just review our picture, and then move on.
The first guy is Gregory Peck as Cap'n Ahab, who hunted whales fo' a livin' -- he jus' knock 'em in the haid with a stump. (Wait, I might be mixing my media there. In any case, the character will be forever associated with his ocean-going albino adversary.)
Panel 2 contains Cheech and Chong, in the scene where they're singing to crusade for animal rights. I have linked to the video on numerous occasions (because I think the song totally rocks), but if you haven't yet watched it, click here.
The third panel is the aforementioned Spock, standing next to his version of a whale-hunting captain, from the movie "Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home", which is the 2nd best movie in the series behind Wrath of Khan. The next panel features Stan Marsh and his crew in the South Park episode about saving whales on reality TV shows. And finally, we have HRH Charles, the Prince of Whales.
So, my friends, that's all the intellectual effort I can stand for today, cuz I can't stands no more (to quote another linguistically challenged badass.) I am outtahere. Have a great day!
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