(Click to embiggen.)
Hmmm, I just realized that photography could be a valuable tool for a swim coach. Perhaps I should take more pix and movies and show 'em to the team.
On second thought, no -- that would require work. It's far easier just to yell at them. "C'mon you slackers, work harder!" Now that's some good coaching right there.
Aw, who am I kidding? Regardless how much energy I put into yelling and name-calling, it remains obvious that the only reason folks attend swim practice is because the low-flow showers at the Ridge are so much better for personal cleansing than the facilities people have at home. Geez.
Despite the fact that I've put years of effort into perfecting my incoherent ranting skills and foaming-at-the-mouth temper tantrums on the pool deck, our swimmers still seem to take impish delight in ignoring me and doing whatever they want to, anyway. This morning's practice was a good example: All I wanted from the team was one measly 25-yard legal swim with good form toward the end of practice. But with a series of egregious false starts, poor streamlining, unnecessary breathing, lanerope entanglements, and other sundry performance violations, they seemed determined to Curley my Moe.
Oh well. The worst practice with the Foothills Masters Swim Team is still more fun than anything else I can imagine doing at 5:30 in the morning. I'm a lucky fellow to be able to coach this group, and I know it.
And you know what? Sometimes, they DO get things right. Take a look at this photo. Notice how the Foothills swimmer (2nd lane from the bottom) is still gliding in streamline position at the front of the pack, while the rest of her heat is splashing away inefficiently on the surface? That's what I'm talkin' about.
And check out this nice stretch for the finish:
The bottom line is that life is good, my friends. And despite the fact that there are evil scumbags who try to destroy what's best about our world, we will never let them stop us from pursuing our dreams. We'll all keep smiling, striving, and improving...together.
As always, thanks for dropping by. Have a great day!
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