Friday, November 26, 2010

Shopping Frenzy

One more thing to be thankful for in the future: No more BSODs!

I've been trying to edit videos for the last couple of days, and my computer keeps crashing. The Blue Screen of Death. Grr. I save my work frequently, so I haven't lost much...but it's still annoying.

Anyway, Thanksgiving is over, so now it begins: Christmas music on the radio, Rankin-Bass claymation/Grinch-a-thons on the telly, and crowds of patriotic Americans charging into the malls to do their part to end the recession. 'Tis the season to be jolly, to send letters to relatives you barely know, and to delight in the Santafication of the public arena. It's the happiest time of the year.

I MUST get a Tickle Me Elmo!Well, unless you are an introvert. Some people get positively freaked out by the thought of visiting Best Buy or Wal-Mart on the day after Thanksgiving. I happen to be one of them.

So, I stay at home. After all, most of the shopping I want to do can be done on eBay. Or by calling 800 numbers that I hear on TV. (I've been seriously considering a Yoshi Blade lately for some reason.)

But if I do decide to brave the crowds in the shopping malls in search of bargains, I think I'll take my camera along. Sure there will be blog-worthy events to chronicle. In the meantime, happy shopping, and have a great day!


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