Friday, July 2, 2010

Dental Work

The good news is that the construction work inside my skull yesterday went quickly and flawlessly. The new fillings look great, feel great, and are supposed to be stronger than metal. (Is this where they say "You could even eat a tin can with it -- but you wouldn't want to"?)

The bad news is that even though I told them that I'm a total lightweight when it comes to drugs, they gave me the "normal" amount of sedation, and my mouth was numb and my diction egregious for most of the workday. (I believe they call it "IOOS" -- Involuntary Ozzy Osbourne Syndrome. Not a pretty sight.)

The good news is the the Rockies scored 7 runs last night and there will be a special on tacos at the Bell today. The bad news is that I'll probably go there, eat like a pig, and raise my cholesterol even more. (I was planning to eat an apple yesterday, but with the lack or oral control I suffered, I was afraid the attempt would be disastrous.)

The good news is that my vocal abilities have returned, and therefore I should be able to use my "coaching voice" to direct the sets for this morning's "Fun Friday" workout. The bad news is that no one else on the team defines "fun" the same way I do, and there will probably be murmerings about a lynch mob from the outside lanes. The good news is that I'm so oblivious to other peoples' concerns that I won't even notice.

The bad news is that I've run out of time to write this morning, and need to head to the pool. The good news is that it should be a completely fabulous day! Enjoy it, my friends!


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