Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The perks of genius and stardom -- suspenders and ice cream!Do you ever get distracted? Like start one task and end up going off on several different tangents before you get it completed? Or perhaps get so far off target that you forget the original goal completely?

One of the problems with having a giant brain and a fifth-grade edjycation is that I tend to fall victim to this curse on a regular basis. I start to write a thoughtful study piece on the indignities suffered by child stars in silly roles, and end up distracted by Urkel's ice cream cone and spend 20 minutes Googling to see if there's a 24-hour Baskin Robbins open anywhere near my neighborhood.

Unfortunately, there isn't. But now it's time to get ready for swim practice, so I'll just throw out a couple of things for you to think about until we have time to resume this discussion. I'll get back to the topic later, I promise...unless I end up watching 50 hours of trolololo video. Sigh.

Is this guy funny?Here's your assignment: Watch a few nights of the Retro Channel (Channel 3 on Comcast in Denver) and tell me why we thought "Get Smart" was so incredibly funny when it first came out. Do chicks still think "Magnum PI" is hunky, or would his hair and mustache leave him dateless if he showed up at a sports bar on a Friday night? And whatever happened to Roger E. Mosley, anyway? Why do "Airplane" and "The Exorcist" still get laughs after all these years, but "Family Ties" just makes you feel sorry for everyone involved?

OK, I have to go. Give it some thought, and we'll continue the discussion later. Have a great day!


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