Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Thousand Apologies

My friends, I am overwhelmed with remorse and regret over my recent absence from the Blogosphere. I have a million excuses of course, and perhaps I'll share some of the more interesting ones with you in a future post...but it all comes down to the fact that I'm not yet independently wealthy, and therefore continue to spend my most productive hours with my neck firmly beneath the boot of THE MAN, slaving away in abject corporate dronery, stooped over under the weight of Marley's chains, blah blah blah -- you've heard it all before.

[Donations to my "Independence Fund" are always cheerfully accepted. Help throw off the shackles! Hail Spartacus! Remember the Alamo! etc etc]

On the plus side, there has actually been some excitement at the workplace lately. Oh, I have many tales of wonder and woe with which I intend to attempt to amuse you...once I get some free time. There are stories of real live astronauts, ambulances and fire trucks, certificates and awards, unemployment threats, and yes...even a few vignettes about swimming, biking, tennis, and other areas of athletic interest. In the coming weeks, I shall also endeavor to bring you up to speed on Tanner's musical career, as well as his sudden immersion into the world of the gainfully employed. There are blogs a-plenty bubbling around within my skull, as well as a couple of new videos in production; all I need is time and keyboard access to bring them to you.

I promise that I'll try to get those posted sometime soon. In the meantime, thank you for your patience, your large cash contributions, and your continued readership. I am truly grateful, my friends, and I'll be chatting more with you very soon.

Have a great day!


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