Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Begins

Right on cue, the temperatures rise and the sun becomes a near-permanent fixture in the sky. Lake swimming has achieved non-wetsuit tolerability, my arms have begun to show the proverbial geek-farmer tan, and my friends have begun to steel themselves to withstand several months of my incoherent ranting about the oppressive heat. I haven't started threatening to move to Alaska or Antarctica yet, but you know it's coming.

(Having a reputation as an incoherent ranter has its avantages. While you "normal" people always have to monitor your speech to avoid saying something stupid or obnoxious, those of us who have already been labeled as blathering kooks can operate without filters, and can speak our so-called "minds" without fear of being laughed at any more than we usually are. Sweet!)

Anyway, the start of summer has brought some enjoyable times with it. I've gone to a couple of very entertaining Rockies games (including one where Todd Helton hit a walkoff homer -- yea Todd!). I've gotten to hang out with my son and totally dominate him on the basketball court. (Um. No, you don't need to verify that with can take my word for it. Seriously, put down that telephone!) My running has been less tragic than usual, and I've had a couple of pretty decent lake swims. (Note to other Chatfield Swimmers: If you wear a dark wetsuit and a dark swimcap, and never look where you're shouldn't be surprised when somebody smacks into you. You're practically invisible, dude.)

Other adventures lie before us during this sweltering season, and I shall attempt to chronicle them for you. Stay tuned, stay cool, and have a great day!


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