Sunday, September 28, 2008

Swim Team Party

Even if you ignore the health benefits of competitive swimming, the pleasure of accomplishment you get from striving to achieve athletic performance gains, and the enhancement in your social status that comes from being on a swim really should join one -- just for the parties!

We had an excellent party Saturday evening. Multi-sport enthusiasts Joe and Kristen were our hosts -- they opened their gorgeous, brand new home to the entire team (including whole-house tours for anyone who was interested). They barbequed ribs & chicken kabobs, and the rest of the team brought pies and brownies, etc. (I guess there were salads and stuff, too, but who wants to eat green stuff when there are brownies?)

As you might expect from a bunch of bright and articulate people, the conversations ranged from comparing computer troubleshooting experiences to reminiscing about summer jobs we had as kids. There were also discussions about marathon training, testimonials about nutritional supplements, and queries as to why today's grammar schools take such a horrifying number of days off.

The general consensus was that the world would be a better place if the youth of today would just learn to wear belts to hold their pants up. Amen, brother. Amen.

Anyway, the point is that if you're going to party, you can't do much better than hanging out with a bunch of masters swimmers. Not only are they better looking and cleaner (ie, more highly chlorinated) than normal people, but they're also courteous, unlikely to become too inebriated, and can be counted on to go home early. You will not hear the phrase "Dude, where's my car?" after a party like this.

Instead, you'll hear "See you at practice in the morning." Ahh, that is music to my ears.

And so is the phrase "Here are some leftover brownies for you to take home." Life is good, my friends. Life is good.


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