Saturday, September 27, 2008

Presidential Debate

I confess. I didn't watch much of the Presidential debate last night. I find those things painful; almost as bad as watching the campaign ads. Besides, I think the differences between the candidates are already pretty clear, and I'd be a bit surprised if more argumentative name-calling and chest puffery from either side is going to change a lot of minds.

It really is too bad that Arnold can't run; we'd get a lot better sound bites. I'm sure that we'd never get tired of hearing him say "Hasta la vista, baby" to higher taxes, or that he was going to terminate the Middle East or whatever. And no matter how many times he call his opponent a girly-man, it would never get old.

Anyway, I think the last televised debate I really enjoyed is when Dan Quayle did his famous smackdown of that guy who thought he was LBJ or whatever. I forget his name...McGovern, maybe? Anyway, these things would be far more interesting if they were written and performed by the guys from South Park, in my opinion.

The good news is that we're down the the final few weeks of this campaign. After that, even if we elect the wrong people who further endanger the country, totally trash the economy with stupid tax moves, and generally turn our great nation into the political equivalent of Ben Affleck's career...well, at least there'll be Thanksgiving and Christmas and mistletoe and Bing Crosby music. I'll just be happy to get the election over with. In the meantime, I urge you to feel free to watch any of the future debates -- and let me know if anything interesting happens. If I have the TV on at all, I'll be watching Mythbusters.


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