Monday, September 29, 2008

An Excellent Sunday

I don't think it really has anything to do with the global struggle between economic systems -- free markets vs. government controlled socialism, etc -- but the foreign (ie, Oklahomoan) agitators were prescient: the Broncos rolled over and let the Chiefs dominate them like a leather-clad Janet Reno. It wasn't pretty at all. Fortunately, I was spending the time enjoying a beautiful fall day in the stimulating company of my teenage son.

We ate at Chipotle, went for a hike at Mt. Falcon park, and discussed everything from Algebra to Islamic Jihad. We saw some bright yellow aspen trees, said 'hi' to a bunch of our fellow outdoor enthusiasts, and calculated odds that we'd get rained on during the hike. (We didn't. But that brought up a discussion about when weather-as-a-conversation-topic is classified as "small talk", and when it constitutes actual dialog. We concluded that if current conditions are likely to influence your behavior -- ie, make you run for shelter -- then it's a legitimate topic. Mere speculation about the high temperatures for later in the week is just filler.)

We also talked about what sorts of trivial things should be general knowledge. I had made a bet with a friend that a good percentage of the general public would know the given name of "Granny" on the Beverly Hillbillies. She thought that only one in a hundred thousand would know off the tops of their heads. Tanner didn't know. I'll continue to survey folks I run into, and will let you know the results in a future posting.

For now, though, I'll just leave you with a couple more songs. Enjoy!


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