Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Hints of Fall

As I walked out the door on my way to swim practice yesterday, I could actually feel a bit of a chill in the air; Global Warming must be losing its grip on the season. It's funny how you notice the change of seasons in subtle ways like that. At first, there's a slight bite to the morning air, then suddenly you'll notice that leaves are falling and neighbors are lubing up their snow-throwers.

I'm quite happy that our string of 90°+ days ended, but I'm not at all sure that I'm ready for the cruel fangs of winter to defile my nicely-tanned summer flesh. I'm not quite ready to give up swimming at Chatfield, riding my bike, or cruising the grocery store aisles in shorts. I'm definitely not ready to wear a coat.

Yeah, I know -- one slightly crisp morning does not an ice age make. (Though apparently, it does prompt involuntary Yoda-isms...sorry about that.) But it's hard not to notice that the sun rises later and later each day. And if I ever stayed up past 7:30pm, I'm sure that I notice it setting earlier and earlier as well.

But kids are back in school, we're already waist-deep in the Olympics, and Labor Day is just around the corner. (Oh, and by the way, you know that proposal I mentioned that I'd be working on? It's due the day after the holiday. Our beloved government procurement agencies seem to derive unending pleasure out of creating schedules that require contractor employees to work through holidays; probably as payback for the fact that we elected a Congress that hauls them in to testify before a committee every time a toilet seat or a hammer costs a mere few hundred bucks more than what you'd find at Lowe's.) It won't be long until the jack-o-lanterns and scary Al Gore masks are out on display, and it won't be long until the Rockies and Broncos are mathmatically eliminated from the playoffs. Yes, indeed, Fall is approaching.

I'm not trying to be Grumpy McBuzzkill here; I'm really just saying that it's time to take stock of the items on your summer to-do list, and start gettin' em done. Take a hike in the hills, stick your feet in a lake, or toss a frisbee around with the kids. Don't just sit inside and watch TV.

Unless there's swimming on.

But no matter what the temperature is, remember to appreciate every moment of every season, and have a great day, OK?


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