Monday, August 11, 2008

Recovery and Inspiration

Driving to Denver from Ft. Collins on a Sunday afternoon is never fun. There are just more cars than there are lanes on the road. But seriously, people, you don't have to stop in the middle of the lane to watch the cropdusters over the adjacent fields. If you want to watch...GET OFF THE HIGHWAY! Don't just slam on the brakes for your rubbernecking, ya slack-jawed yokel! Geez.

Whaddaya mean I need some anger management counseling? I'm not a candidate for road rage; perish the thought. But, boy, if I had a tank, or maybe some 007-style headlight rockets...

Uh, never mind. All I'm saying is that after my race, I just wanted to get home. I was tired, stiff, and really not in the mood to sit in a 45-mile-long traffic jam. By the time I got home, all I wanted to do was drink some more Gatorade and show the couch just how potato-like I could be.

Fortunately, the Olympics are made for just such a situation. I can totally shut down my mind during the inane network commentary, waking up only when there's an interesting competition. I used to enjoy the gymnastics competition, but for some reason I'm finding myself somewhat put off by it this year. The beach volleyball is fun, though I'm pretty much over the high-fiving after every single point. It's kinda like all the celebration dances in a pre-season football game -- seriously's your job. Just do it, and save the celebrations for something that's actually spectacular or noteworthy.

Am I wrong? Should I be slappin' some skin with my fellow editors every time I correct a typo? Should I go over in front of the author's desk and flex my biceps every single time I insert a comma that he missed? Sorry, but I just can't see it.

But did you watch the men's 4 x 100 freestyle relay? Now THAT, my friends, is worthy of celebration. If you can watch the finish of that race without your heart revving up and your chest tightening, then you're from a different planet entirely. Lezak's finish is one of the most spectacular things I've ever seen in sports, and I'm still buzzing from it. Not only is it amazing that the World Records keep being broken by such spectacular amounts, but it's inspiring and astounding to see the effort, the commitment, and the energy that these athletes can tap into. Go ahead guys, scream and yell and jump up and down all you want after that event. I'll stand up and shout with you. Even if it means getting up off the couch.

I would definitely call that having a great day! You have one too, OK?


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