Friday, August 8, 2008

Smokey and the Bandit

The last two nights, I have slept until my alarm clock went off. This is unusual; I usually wake up without prompting, mostly alert and ready to start the day. But when the alarm wakes me, it takes a few seconds to get my bearings. Especially if I'm having a weird dream.

This morning I was dreaming about driving my Subaru like Burt Reynolds drives a Trans Am. Going full speed in reverse and then spinning a half donut while jamming the gearshift into Drive, now pointing forward and zipping away without losing any speed at all. It's a nifty move, but somehow I think if I tried it for real, I'd end up talking to my insurance agent instead of racing down the highway.

What was I escaping from, or racing toward? I have no idea. All I know is that my college roommate, Mickey, was in the car with me. (Sally Field was not.) And for some reason, we were on a huge overpass trying to leave Omaha and get into St. Louis, which, as every racecar dreamer knows, are right across the river from each other.

Anyway, it's pretty cool how your sleeping mind can defy the laws of physics every bit as well as the Roadrunner can. My station wagon peformed smokin-tire donuts with ease, remaining completely stable through all sorts of Starsky and Hutch manuevers. Mickey was singing "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" for no apparent reason, and we were in a dreadful hurry. But somehow, we managed to drive into a car elevator that took us to the top of a very tall parking garage, from which we could see the various tall buildings of Chicago, Minneapolis, and Oklahoma City. Even in my dream, I recall that it seemed odd to be in such an urban environment of in the midst of a southern-fried cross-country moonshine run.

Oh well, I woke up refreshed, and relieved to find the Subaru resting comfortably in its accustomed carport spot. I'm tapering (resting up) for my race on Sunday, so the day presents no challenges any larger than a bit of shopping and a few household chores. I think I'll tackle my pre-race to-do list, and see how much I can get done. I'll throw in a little bit of TV watching and some reading along with it. I am in an excellent mood, and feeling strong and fit. Tanner has gone on a camping trip to the Great Sand Dunes, so I'm hoping that he remembers the skills he learned in the Boy Scouts, and I look forward to hearing about that trip. Otherwise, it's all about mentally preparing for my trip to Fort Collins. I should have some photos to post from my lake swim adventure over the next few days, so please stay tuned. And have a great day!


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