Thursday, June 12, 2008

Working the Weekend

Most days, my workload at the office is dependent upon other people. We provide document services, such as editing, formatting, updating graphics, printing, etc., which means that we cannot perform the work unless the document owner actually gives us the stinking document!

Typically, it happens like this:

Document owner: We're going to give you 30 documents to edit and format by close of business on Monday.

Us: "Cool. We'll be ready."


Document owner: "Sorry, but it looks like there will only be 7 documents, and we'll have them on Wednesday."

Us: "OK. We'll do the best we can."

Quitting time on Friday...

Owner: "Um, there are 30 documents after all, and we'll get them to you at midnight tonight. We need them at 7am on Monday."

Us: "How would you like to be worked over with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch?"

No wait, that's not right -- we always smile through gritted teeth and say "Thank you sir, may I have another?" And then we work all stinkin' weekend because we're expected to meet deadlines, even when our customers habitually fail to meet theirs.

[Note: The only people who have it worse than us in that respect are the folks in Reproduction. They are the very last step in the document production process, so everyone else's lateness throws extra weight upon their shoulders. I have no idea at all how they manage to be so polite when you know that they're just aching to have at you with the aforementioned handtools and welding accessories.]

Anyway, that's what happened, again, as this weekend approached. It was an "off" Friday, so I had already made plans for Friday morning, helping my brother pick up some construction materials he needed for the house he's remodeling. But being a team player, I reluctantly told my coworkers that I'd come in for the afternoon. Ugh.

I know what some of you are thinking: "There's nothing wrong with working a few extra hours during a week. Nothing wrong with cranking out some work over the weekend. It's a good way to further your career, help out your company, and build character."

To that, my friends, I say "Phooey!"

Don't get me wrong; I like my job. I like my coworkers. I like the products that this company builds. And I definitely like getting a paycheck. But there's a lot of other stuff I like, as well, and...well, that's what days off are for.

I've known people who would rather be at their jobs than anywhere else, and I think they are lucky folks long as they don't miss out on the joys of family, sports, music, and the great outdoors.

Perhaps I'll be one of those folks some day, but I'm not quite there yet. I just took a deep breath and started preparing myself to work through my long weekend, calculating which activities I could give up, and which ones I'd have to squeeze in during the late evenings. Sigh.

But some days, you do get a break! Christie called and said that they had the project under control with the staff who were already in the office. I could take the afternoon off. AND, I wouldn't be needed of the weekend, either! Joy of joys! This meant that I could be productive on my own work, get more exercise done, and have some fun. Yea!

The first thing I did was to take a nap. Then I began cranking out the copies of the DVDs that I'm going to send to my swim team buddies. Perhaps over the weekend, I can post some more of the videos online. I'll let you know. One thing is for sure, though, I'll be enjoying myself.

I hope you do, too. Have a great day!


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