Wednesday, June 11, 2008


As I've mentioned before, I recently completed the restoration of the movies that Doug Smith and I made when we were teenagers. With the basic editing & synching finished, it's now time to add the commentary tracks. Some of the behind-the-scenes stories are far more interesting than the movies themselves. I suspect that the tales told on the commentary track will generate a few additional chuckles here and there.

Once I finish the commentary recording, I'll be ready to distribute the movies on DVD to anybody who wants a copy. I'm pretty sure that most of the actors will want one -- it's probably the only existing evidence that they ever acted on film. (Except for Lee McCroskey, who played Nocto the Boy Vampire in a series of short films made before he auditioned for our project.)

I always thought it would be cool to do a sequel to "Nocto" -- have him return as an older guy; "Nocto the Middle-Aged Vampire with Lumbago" or something. And I've thought about a sequel to "The Tiger and the Dragon". I'd probably call it "Vengeance of the Tiger", even though we never really established which character was the tiger and which was the dragon. I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen the original film yet, but I can say that advances in medical technology (a la "Six Million Dollar Man") make it possible for the story to continue.

The behind-the-scenes stories on the commentary track include the secrets behind my leap from the 4th story Holiday Inn balcony, the real story behind Breathwait's plunge from the top of the parking garage, and reason I suddenly have a scar on my ribcage for no apparent reason. We'll also talk about continuity -- how we stitched together scenes where shirts had changed, characters who weren't supposed to fall down did, and why we couldn't get Glenn Nyberg to stop grinning after his character was dead. It should be fun.

Enjoy these short clips, and have a great day!


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