Thursday, June 5, 2008

Upcoming Blog Drought

Blogging is probably going to be a tad light for the next week or so. I expect to be working a lot of overtime (including the weekend), which means I don't have as much time at home to do the stuff I need to do, like bathing, housekeeping, and writing blogs.

I'll try to remember any interesting things that happen during this time period, and will do my best to share them with you when I return to a normal schedule. But don't count on it -- I'm pretty sure that senility has taken full root within the empty spaces of my brainpan. I totally spaced out that I was supposed to go to a dentist appointment on Thursday, and had to reschedule for Friday. I don't know if I just was enjoying my morning gym workout too much, or what, but I totally spaced it.

What's next? Forgetting where I live? Forgetting that my middle name is...well, whatever the heck it is? Forgetting that haiku is supposed to be 5-7-5, and not 7-5-7? Forgetting why "drought" isn't spelled "drowt"?

Forgotten details
Endanger my attainment
Of oral hygiene
Such an alignment of work pressures and cognitive problems bodes ill for those who may expect mild entertainment within these pages on a near-daily basis. But I promise that I will strive to get back into full syllable-spewing mode as quickly as I can. Please keep checking back, OK? Thanks!

Have a great day!


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