Yesterday, I mentioned Christmas cookies. So sure enough, my friend Lisa brought snickerdoodles to swim practice this morning. I know I said I would avoid such temptations...but I guess I'll start tomorrow.
No, the photo above is NOT one of Lisa's creations. This is from a batch one of my co-workers brought into the office a while back. I do like the idea -- a peanut butter cookie with an Oreo on top, smothered by a Salvador Dali chocolate chip cookie...but I suspect it would taste much better when fresh from the oven.
For some reason, this reminds me of the time my brother and I decided to create our own cookie recipes. I had recently fabricated my own cookie sheet in Mr. Ridgeway's metal shop class, and was dying to test it out at home. I'm sure I came up with some sort of cookie recipe myself, but it is long forgotten. I will never, though, forget the results of my brother's culinary creation. He called them "Pat's Great Cookies" and painstakingly crafted a neatly-printed recipe card detailing the ingredients and steps for baking his sugar-based treats.
As I have mentioned before, if I have any talents at all, you can be sure they do not include expertise with hand tools. While a cookie sheet may be the simplest possible thing to create from sheet metal, it still requires moderately precise bending and crimping. The corners of my finished product were not anywhere near 100% sealed -- which we discovered when smoke began to billow from the oven. Pat's Great Cookies had melted into liquid and dribbled from all 4 corners of the sheet onto the bottom of the oven...and then caught on fire.
I think we both learned something about the value of sample testing before committing to full-scale production. But I'm pretty sure I derived a lot more laughter from the event than my brother did.
Anyway, the real point of today's blog has nothing to do with any of that. Today's point is that I realized that I'm becoming quite redundant.
I've written about Slim Pickens, various Bucks, and even fruitscakes on other occasions. This would not be an issue if each story remained unique -- but the truth is that I have no idea which stories I've already shared. It's quite possible that I've become the pitiful old man who says the same things over and over.

I like the idea of being organized, and there are some nifty tools available to assist a person in the never-ending fight against entropy. Heck, I probably already own all the tools I need to be a regular Della Street. I have databases, spreadsheets, MS OneNote, and regular old file cabinets. But the information still needs to be gathered and input. There's the rub.
This may be too much personal information, but I'll share that I actually own a spiffy little shoe shelf that sits in my bedroom closet. And yet, my shoes remain in an unruly pile near the front door. Why is this? Partly because I am a straight male, and therefore consider shoes to serve as foot protection and nothing more. If someone were to neatly put the shoes away for me, I'd have no objection...but I've learned not to expect such things from myself.
And so it is with electronic data.
I should compile and keep a consolidated record of all my blog topics. This would help me avoid redundancy in ranting, and would come in handy when it comes time to pull from these tales in assembling the next book. But it would require considerable effort to build such a database, and (as with hand tools) the word "effort" does not appear in any accurate description of my daily life.
So, I guess I'll rely upon your generous and forgiving nature, dear readers, to cut me some slack when I repeat myself. But if you do have any suggestions on how I could somehow get all this logorrhea categorized and searchable, you'd probably have to put up with fewer topical regurgitations. I am certainly capable of thinking up new topics...IF I could remember which is new and which is old.
And besides, if I can't think of topics, I can always link to some good music. As far as I know, the fellow below doesn't have a nickname like Slim or Buck or Boxcar, but still manages to do some adequate pickin' and grinnin'. Enjoy, and have a great day!
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