The lovely sunrises we're having serve as a reminder of the devastation and loss that so much of Colorado is suffering. It's hard to appreciate the aesthetics of the smoky sky when thinking about the people who have lost so much, and how much of our grand green forests have been turned to ash.
It was colder than I expected when I started at 5:30am, so I pulled on my tights and sleeves. While the smoke formed a dense curtain across the eastern sky, I could barely smell it, and it presented no detectable breathing hazard around the lake.
I worked pretty hard, even throwing in a bit of butterfly here and there. I went home feeling pretty good about the morning's exercise.
On Sunday, I ran Green Mountain before swim practice. I started later than I normally would, so that I could go straight from there over to the pool for swim practice. Bad idea. At that time of the morning, the trail is overrun by mountain bikers, hikers, and dog walkers. I still had a pretty good run, but stopping so many times is something I'd rather avoid. Next time, I'll start at sunrise.
The bad news is that it's obvious I haven't been running enough; my legs are sore this morning. The good news is that despite the hills and rocks, my knees seem to be fine. And as strange as it sounds, the hardest part of my Sunday was getting through swim practice. We did a bunch of hard sprint sets...and those are always excruciating. Intellectually, I accept the fact that there are people who enjoy sprinting -- but I doubt I will ever really understand how that's possible. They're mutants.
Anyway, I had a wonderful weekend, and I hope you did, too. I apologize for not yet providing the answers to the nickname matching quiz, but I will try to get that posted later today. Please check back again, and in the meantime, have a great day!
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