Taking a Deep Breath

I suppose any grueling task with deadlines takes a toll on a person, but there's something about the final push on government proposal projects that leaves me especially brain dead. There were several times yesterday when a co-worker's question would be met with a few seconds of a vacant stare...before my mind could engage to provide the answer. In the last days of a proposal push, I say "Uhhh" a LOT more than I normally do. There is significantly more incoherent muttering to no one in particular, and more silent prayers pleading for the generosity of whatever deities are in charge of Lotto drawings.
But despite the last week's corporate pressures, I awoke this morning feeling fine, and am looking forward to a few days of mental recovery before jumping into the next round of unreasonable deadlines. If I could just spend the day gazing out the window to watch the snow melt while the Crossfit athletes from across the street boogie up and down the sidewalk, I'd be well on the road back to mental health.
Yeah, yeah...I know that mental health is a relative term. But I don't consider my obsession with geekery to be an illness, merely a "charming personality trait." And speaking of things charming, let me offer a small quiz featuring one of the Star Trek Things I Wish Were Real.
(Perhaps I'll post the complete list tomorrow. Please stay tuned.)
What do the following people have in common? Good luck, and have a great day!

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