Quick Answers

Leia? Well, I guess that's OK. And Luke is a perfectly cromulent name. But heaven help the kid who has to go to grade school with a name like JarJar.
Anyway, thanks to everyone who submitted their answers to yesterday's quote quiz. The correct answer response that indicated Sturgeon's Revelation is B. Ninety percent of everything is crap.
A. The perversity of the Universe tends toward the maximum.
B. Ninety percent of everything is crap.
C. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
D. Health improves if every meal is accompanied by a salad of thinly sliced cabbage.
Its relevance to my life is that I'm filling out government forms as part of the proposal submittal process. And I'm trying to get my taxes done. Any time you're looking for a way to waste time, increase blood pressure, and remind yourself why we need the Second Amendment, just go fill out some government forms. Anyway, if you'd like more info about Theodore Sturgeon, you'll have to look him up yourself. Sorry, but I'm a little pressed for time right now.
The others, quickly: Selection A is known as "O'Toole's Corrolary to Finagle's Law". Selection C is called "Hanlon's Razor." (We shall save the discussion of how Hanlon's Razor applies to the government until some other day. Sorry.)
And selection D is, of course, "Cole's Law."
(I apologize, but I couldn't find the link I was going to include to illustrate the restorative powers of cabbage, but I did run across this classic tune. And this one. If you have a few minutes to kill with some old-time country nostalgia, go ahead and take a listen.)
Otherwise, good luck with whatever challenges you're facing at the moment. Have a great day!
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