Cautious Optimism

The big test will be when I attempt to drive to Seattle to deliver the musical gear that Tanner wants me to bring him. Driving several thousand miles through hostile northwest territory should be a good test of how well these repairs are going to hold up. Wish me luck.
My additional optimism centers around my running. Though I was a total slacker throughout the holiday break and still haven't re-established the running routine I had prior to the last snowstorm, I have had a couple of decent runs this week. In fact, this morning I actually ran three miles with no significant pain at all. This is an astonishing accomplishment, and makes me almost look forward to my next opportunity to put on the shoes. (Almost.)
I'm also optimistic that my day job will mellow out somewhat after this next round of proposals is submitted. Right now, things are absolutely crazy at the office, and people are expecting me to crank out extraordinary amounts of work for the next two weeks. Obviously, their expectations are unrealistic (given my lifetime of unremitting otioseness)...but I'll do the best I can. In the meantime, please forgive me if you find me staring vacantly into space or babbling like a congressman.
Have a great day!
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