Snow in June
OK, it's not really snow -- it's hail. But it still covered the ground in white, and that ain't supposed to happen when it's t-shirt weather.

The golf course was pretty, though, with the white patches atop the lush greens. Nature's wrath and Nature's aesthetic pleasures are sometimes closely related.
Much has happened since then, including my Triple Bypass packet pickup and my first run in Waterton Canyon in many weeks. Now that I have the TB jersey and race numbers, I guess I should start training a bit more on the bike, eh?
I will say this; it's fiendishly clever of them to have the packet pickup inside the bicycle store. I ended up spending a significant amount of money there. The first expense was reasonable; I needed a new rear tire and inner tube. I had broken the stem off my Presta valve, and even though the tube still held air, I couldn't refill it again since I couldn't operate the valve. I had been planning to replace the tire as well before the Triple Bypass, so now seemed like a good time to just get it all done. But I probably didn't really need to buy the extra tubes (great sale!), the arm warmers, and the tubetop storage pouch with accessible smartphone pocket.
Anyway, the tendency toward impulse shopping aside, I now have everything ready to go for the 120 ride from Evergreen to Avon...except for fitness and strength, of course. (Unfortunately, Bike Source doesn't sell those.)
Oh well, I still have a few weeks. My focus and self discipline will be on constant display over that time period.
--- HA! Had you going there for a second, didn't I?
Anyway, speaking of focus and self-discipline, let's see if you can match the following catchphrases with the appropriate superhero. Bonus points if you can name the hero's alternate identity, girlfriend, and day job. (And plese let me know which of your favorites I've left off the list. Perhaps I'll add them in a future puzzle.) Thanks, and have a great day!
A. It's clobberin' time!
B. Here I come to save the day!
C. You knew the job was dangerous when you took it.
D. My glasses! Without them, I'm helpless!
E. There's no need to fear...

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