
First, let me just say that I'm not a fan of the Apple mindset. The Macintosh interface frustrates me, and their arrogant "Do it my way or else" philosophy makes me even more reluctant to pay the high prices they demand. But there's no denying that Jobs and his vision of how things should be have influenced the shape of our world.
But what about great stone monuments? Do they change the way people live out their daily lives? Probably not. But I find that I do greatly admire the commitment it takes to tackle a project of multi-generational magnitude. The pyramids, Mt. Rushmore, Stonehenge, et al...well, they're just cool!
So are Hoover Dam, the US Interstate Highway System, and the Martian Canals. On a smaller scale, Coors Field may not rival the timeless grandeur of Machu Picchu, but it's still a groovy place to spend a weekend afternoon. In addition to the many epic marvels for us to admire within the world of architecture, there are also Nature's astounding accomplishments (canyons, lakes, ski slopes, Devil's Towers, etc), and I enjoy taking time every now and then to just sit back to contemplate these things and say "Wow!"
When we sit in an office all day, we sometimes forget how amazing our world can be, and how the ideas of our visionary predecessors continue to affect us each and every day. When I plug in my laptop to receive invisible power and datastreams, I don't often think about how amazing it is that Al Gore was able to create the infrastructure to make it possible. But that's the mode I'm in today, and I'd like to solicit your input.
What things do you think qualify to be labelled as "epic"?
Don't limit yourself to structural accomplishments. For example, every Sunday I listen to "The Beatle Years" on the radio while driving to swim practice. Think about it: Four scroungy hippie guys made some guitar music that still merits weekly discussions half a century later. Wow. And look at the influential and eternal body of work that constitutes The Simpsons, South Park, and Baywatch. Totally epic.

Let me know. In the meantime, try to spend just one 24-hour period paying attention to how many really cool things you run across as you go about your business. And have a great day!
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